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Law Offices of Suzanne St. Luce, P.A.

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Blog posts from the Law Offices of Suzanne St. Luce, P.A.

What is the Labor Certification process When It Comes to getting a Green Card

  • 3 min read

Labor certification is a process that employers in the United States must go through in order to sponsor a foreign worker for a green card. The process is designed to ensure that there are no qualified U.S. workers who are willing and able to perform the job that the employer is seeking to fill with a foreign worker. To begin… Continue readingWhat is the Labor Certification process When It Comes to getting a Green Card


Tips for Remarriage and Child Support

  • 2 min read

Are you and your significant other considering remarriage during the month of February, maybe even Valentine’s Day? Congratulations! Amidst all the excitement and busyness of the wedding plans have you thought whether a prenuptial agreement may be necessary? What about child support? What happens to your child support responsibilities?  Let us share some tips for you and your future spouse… Continue readingTips for Remarriage and Child Support


Key Things to Know About the Right to Seek Asylum

  • 4 min read

Did you know that the right to seek asylum is a fundamental human right that is protected under international law? It allows individuals who have been persecuted or fear persecution in their home country to seek refuge in another country. The 1951 United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol are the main legal instruments… Continue readingKey Things to Know About the Right to Seek Asylum


What to Know When it Comes to Human Trafficking

  • 3 min read

Human trafficking is often in the news, but do you know what it really is? It is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of threat or use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, or deception. This exploitation, or taking advantage of, includes sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal… Continue readingWhat to Know When it Comes to Human Trafficking


After the Holiday, Watch Out for 5 Mistakes Divorced Parents Can Make

  • 3 min read

Now that the holidays have come and gone, did you find the post-divorce holidays to be terribly difficult? In addition, for many parents, when there are children involved, it can really be a struggle. We would like to help you with these post holiday struggles by reviewing five mistakes that divorced families often make after the holidays. By being mindful… Continue readingAfter the Holiday, Watch Out for 5 Mistakes Divorced Parents Can Make


6 Tips Every Parent Struggling with Divorce Should Address Head On

  • 4 min read

Are you recently divorced? Are you struggling with the issues surrounding your divorce and finding it difficult? And are you carrying the burden of knowing it is especially difficult for your children? Have you worried about the impact your divorce may have on your children? Let us discuss 6 tips you can start using now to address head on any… Continue reading6 Tips Every Parent Struggling with Divorce Should Address Head On


Key Tips You Can Use to Help Your Children Cope During Your Divorce

  • 3 min read

Are you and your spouse planning to divorce? Do you have children? We understand that divorce is never easy. It can be especially complicated when children are involved. Are you wondering how you can be sure that your children are able to cope with the divorce in the best way possible? Are you anticipating not being able to control the… Continue readingKey Tips You Can Use to Help Your Children Cope During Your Divorce


Reasons Why You Need an Immigration Attorney in Your Hometown

  • 3 min read

Did you know that an immigration attorney works with her clients to understand the difficulties each client faces during the immigration process? For each client, the circumstances are different and we understand the nuances of the challenges you may be facing. Our experienced legal team knows not only what you are going through and the problems you may be facing,… Continue readingReasons Why You Need an Immigration Attorney in Your Hometown

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